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Lenovo IdeaPad A1 Tablet - 22282LU - White - Texas Instruments OMAP 3622( 1 GHz )
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Product Lenovo IdeaPad A1 Tablet - 22282LU - White - Texas Instruments OMAP 3622( 1 GHz ) Features Detail

  • Item Dimensions :
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  • Product Type : Tablet Computer

THE LENOVO 7" IDEAPAD TABLET A1: COMES WITH EVERYTHING EXCEPT A HEFTY PRICE TAG. If you're always on the go and always online, look to our 7" IdeaPad A1 Tablet, a compact yet rugged multimedia device that runs on the Android 2.3 operating system. Affordable, slim and with an eye-catching black design, the A1 Tablet is also durable with a magnesium alloy roll-cage internal frame that protects the critical system components in case of accidents or jolts. It's preloaded with more than 10 useful apps, and with access to both the Lenovo App Shop and the Android Market, thousands of apps are just a click away. IdeaPad A1 Tablet - 22282LU - White KEY SPECIFICATIONS Part number: 22282LU Processor: Texas Instruments OMAP 3622 ( 1GHz ) Operating system: Android 2.3 Graphics: TI Integrated OMAP 3622 Memory:512 MB LPDDR2 600MHz Display: 7.0" SD LED Glare Multi-touch with integrated camera 1024x600 Camera: Front 0.3MP, Rear 3.0MP Hard drive: 16GB Battery: 1 Cell Li-Polymer Network card: Lenovo BGN Wireless Bluetooth: Bluetooth Version 2.1 + EDR More colors, please search ASIN Pink: B00755F4EK Blue: B007I7WLOQ White: B00730CVKM

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Lenovo IdeaPad A1 Tablet - 22282LU - White - Texas Instruments OMAP 3622( 1 GHz ),